Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Only if you had common sense!!!

“Only if you had common sense! Common sense is the most uncommon thing to find!”
I have heard it so many times and always thought; if everything is so based on common sense then we should try to learn common sense not science. But what is common sense and where does it differ from science?
In Simple words, common sense is logical train of a common thought process. To me, logical train would mean without the contamination of half baked knowledge areas and devoid of stubborn reluctance to see the levers that make the processes work. 

I say half baked because this situation usually lands its victim in a dangerous situation. He starts believing that his hunches are truth and others just need to tag along with him and his ideas. Simply put, he deviates from the basic fact of life: “No over analysis but a plain sense of how thinks work and why they work a particular way”. Wait a minute, now; is this not actually science?

 People use experience to arrive at general truths and people also use general truths to arrive at analysis of experiences. Solution of problems too complicated for common sense to solve is achieved by interweaving streams of inductive and deductive inferences. These inferences are quickly mapped between the observed experience and the mental hierarchy of the general knowledge. Induction reasons from particular experiences to arrive at general truths. Deductive inferences start with general knowledge and predict a specific observation. A person having the common sense of letting this process happen succeeds and arrives at the right conclusion. The Common sense and science- both part of a complexity continuum?
What am I talking? OR am I a fit case – Only if you had common sense!!! Common sense is the most uncommon thing to find!

Richa Verma

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